Thursday, March 14, 2013

Looking for a fish

I would  like go to dive with fishes, but its time to study, so I've take afford of my studies to catch the fish with a web cam.

So, how I can fishing with my web cam, and a plastic fish?

With this exercise I've checked the power of our cubieboard, its a merge between the previous exercises search a pattern and  how to use the web cam

The code is very similar to the search pattern, but with a small difference it's a video instead a photo, (video = photo1, ..... photo n ...., photo n+m)

The size of the video is 160x120, with bigger videos (320x240) it takes around 200 ms to found it

Here is the result, and I think is power enough for almost proposes

So with 33 ms to detect an object will be right for the simplest projects, but I've to try with Linaro, and with a new compilation of openCV.
I'll try to do this the next week wen I've a monitor with HDMI at last.

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